True North Soul Purpose Coaching

This program will help you align your mind, body, and spirit, discover your soul gifts, and manifest your life while living your purpose. 

Schedule a call with Kristin to see if this program is right for you. 

Schedule Your Free Call

Are you in a space of self-discovery, questioning the direction of your life?

If you find yourself pondering the following questions:

  • Am I on the right path?
  • What is my soul here to do?
  • Why do I feel so disconnected?
  • Am I meant for more?

Then, True North is crafted specifically for you. This transformative experience is designed to provide clarity and insights into those questions. By combining the wisdom of the akashic records and a personalized coaching framework rooted in neuroscience, this 6-month immersion unlocks the mysteries of your soul. It guides you toward embodying your true calling.

Why True North Coaching?

This 1:1 coaching program is designed to support and guide you through recovering your time and energy, discovering your unique gifts, and implementing long-term changes in your life. Discovering your path is an exciting, rewarding journey, but it also comes with making sustainable changes. That’s when it helps to have the support of an experienced coach.

What my clients say about coaching with me:


I started coaching with Kristin because I felt stuck in almost every area of my life. After coaching with Kristin, I took my first solo vacation to Alaska, doubled my income, co-founded two companies, started a farm, and had surgery that I had been putting off for years. I have found my voice and, most importantly, gained self-confidence. Thanks for being my person, Kristin. <3  


Kristin is one of the best coaches I have worked with. She has an understanding ease about her that makes me feel like I can tell her anything. She has helped me through some of the biggest challenges I have had in my life. If you consider hiring her as a coach, I highly recommend you follow through.

Here's what's included:


Work with Kristin 1:1 in a 21 day cleanse for the mind, body, and soul. Including a self-care assessment. 


Kristin is a trained psychic who will provide you with insightful guidance to help you discover your soul gifts. 


Receive insights for your development and progression with bi-weekly coaching sessions.


Email Kristin any time in between sessions for feedback and support. 

Here's the True North Manifestation Method

The program works in three phases to ensure that you are fully aligned and ready to welcome something new into your life, discover your soul's purpose, and develop the tools to embody it. This method empowers you to make intentional choices in alignment with your life purpose.

Phase 1

Align + Elevate

Shift your mind, body, and spirit into full alignment by implementing manifestation techniques on all three levels. 

Phase 2

Discover Your Soul Gifts

Explore your unique soul gifts with psychic guidance while you learn to follow your innate intuition. 

Phase 3

Embody Your Purpose

Integrate your learnings into your daily life. Embody a life of fulfillment and excitement unique to you. 

True North Flexible Packages Available

Are you ready to unravel the mysteries of your soul and embrace your true calling? Your transformative journey begins here.

Schedule Your Discovery Call

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